Proiecte Educaționale

Promovăm educația ecologică pentru protejarea mediului înconjurător.

A large group of people participating in a protest or demonstration, holding colorful banners and signs with environmental messages. Some individuals have painted faces and are wearing traditional or cultural attire.
A large group of people participating in a protest or demonstration, holding colorful banners and signs with environmental messages. Some individuals have painted faces and are wearing traditional or cultural attire.
Educație pentru mediu

Proiectele noastre se concentrează pe educația ecologică, implicând comunitatea în protejarea darurilor naturii pentru generațiile viitoare și conștientizarea impactului acțiunilor umane asupra mediului.

A wooden signboard in a natural setting contains information about biodiversity conservation. The sign features text in both Portuguese and English, accompanied by images of various reptiles and other animals. The background shows lush green foliage, indicating a forest or a nature reserve environment.
A wooden signboard in a natural setting contains information about biodiversity conservation. The sign features text in both Portuguese and English, accompanied by images of various reptiles and other animals. The background shows lush green foliage, indicating a forest or a nature reserve environment.
Implicare comunitară

Colaborăm cu școli și organizații pentru a dezvolta programe educaționale care să inspire tinerii să protejeze natura și să adopte un stil de viață sustenabil, contribuind astfel la un viitor mai verde.

Despre noi

La Salvatinatura, promovăm educația ecologică pentru a proteja darurile naturii pentru generațiile viitoare și a conștientiza importanța mediului.

The image features the words 'EARTH DAY EVERYDAY' made from soil or mulch, placed centrally against a pastel green background. Surrounding the text are white tulips with long green leaves, radiating outwards in a pattern.
The image features the words 'EARTH DAY EVERYDAY' made from soil or mulch, placed centrally against a pastel green background. Surrounding the text are white tulips with long green leaves, radiating outwards in a pattern.
Children walking through a lush, green forest as they explore and interact with their natural surroundings. Tall trees with dense foliage fill the background, creating a sense of being immersed in nature.
Children walking through a lush, green forest as they explore and interact with their natural surroundings. Tall trees with dense foliage fill the background, creating a sense of being immersed in nature.
A brick wall with a wooden lattice features a colorful sign. The sign, themed with a turtle and a frog, contains ecological guidance in Portuguese text. The messages emphasize respect for nature, advising to leave no trace and to refrain from harming the environment.
A brick wall with a wooden lattice features a colorful sign. The sign, themed with a turtle and a frog, contains ecological guidance in Portuguese text. The messages emphasize respect for nature, advising to leave no trace and to refrain from harming the environment.

Misiunea noastră

Credem că educația pentru mediu este esențială pentru toți, ajutându-ne să înțelegem și să protejăm resursele naturale ale planetei.